You did it!!! Our races in 2023 were able to provide a FREE running program for runners in Pomeroy, WA as well as Burley, Idaho. Well, we say free but a couple of amazing folks sure gave a lot of their time to make it happen.
Did you know.. and not many folks stop to read this, so thank you. We offered to start up THREE more FREE running groups in communities throughout the PNW. Folks reach out, we say yes. And most othen, it just doesn't work out. First, most folks think there are stings attached and just don't trust it. Also, while most folks want the idea, they don't have the time to implement the program. That's real, for sure. So we go wherever we have a chance to make an impact.
Well, we're excited to announce that Coach Sarrah, Coach Will and the team want to keep running over in Pomeroy, WA!!! They're going to take us to new heights when they introduce a trail / mountain running series to their kids for the late spring 2024. (For you Idaho folks looking for some amazing camping spots you've never been to before, you're welcome.)

Also, we've been offered the chance to partner with
We're still working through the details but until then, please take a look and consider supporting them as well.

SoleKIDs is an Award Winning, 501(c)(3) recognized, non-profit organization founded in January 2017. The SoleKIDs program is here help to develop your child into a lifelong healthy, active runner.
The SoleKIDs adventure is an eight-week adventure program geared towards elementary students and is uniquely designed to get your child ready for a season-ending 5K race. If your child has already completed a 5K, the SoleKIDs program will help those runners set and achieve individual personal goal(s). SoleKIDs will train twice/week for approximately 1.5 hours/day. If you would like more information on specific programs, please contact us!! If you’d like more information about starting a SoleKIDs team at your location, please send us an email to